Monday, November 10, 2014

This is what he does and says

This item highlights some of the reasons the Democrats were defeated so handily on 4 November.  Yet the President being the ideologue he is does not recognize or acknowledge the will of the people.  He knows that his immigration policy is wildly unpopular.  Yet he pledges to act without regard to the people's representatives in Congress and expects Congress to come to him, not him to the Republicans.  And he knows that Obamacare passed without a single Republican supporting it and he knows the massive waste of taxpayer money that has occurred and the enormous damage being done to the nation's healthcare system.  Yet in both cases he does not care - if the past is a predictor of the future his promise to work with the Republicans will be met with his resistance and demands that they compromise with him and not him with Republicans.  What matters is what HE wants.  That is the attitude of a dictator not a president.  Regarding Obamacare, illegal immigration and a few other items read this:  

This prominent Democrat and pollster says of Senator Harry Reid "The man is a disgrace to democracy," Caddell said. "I want to say this as a Democrat: I think at some point you should stand up for your country as an American."   Reid's behavior is a well known fact but the Democrats apparently aware of his vindictive tendencies avoided run-ins with him and besides since he was Obama's man they remained silent.  What a shame.

Black liberals demean this black Republican elected to the US Senate.  Now tell me who is racist.  The left or right.

Gun control advocates are declining.  Quote: "It’s an inconvenient truth for liberals, especially because they’ve been pounding their fists on the desk while calling for tougher gun control based on the false assumption that “Americans want tougher gun laws.”  So what’s happening?  More than likely Americans are becoming acutely aware of the numerous failings on gun control. Liberals keep saying that gun control is the only thing that keeps people from being shot in a mall, theater or school. But that’s clearly not true of the real world.  People are more than clued in that gun control doesn’t save lives."

This is one assessment of the results of sweeping Republican victories at state legislatures all the way to federal level.  I share this not to gloat...I am not a Republican.  Rather I share it because it lists some of the reasons the progressive left Democrats lost is such a big way.  It should not be considered by the Republicans as license to duplicate the manner in which Democrats have governed over the past number of years.  Bipartisanship when honestly practiced is far superior than the past almost dictatorial behavior of the President, Attorney General, and multiple administration officials, Harry Reid and a number of members of Congress.    The message should be for the left to stop trying to change everything that made this country great and turn it into their socialistic image of what they want it to be.  They have too long ignored the needs and desires of the vast majority of the people, and our Constitution. 

George Burns

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