Sunday, November 16, 2014

Obama Declares an Amnesty War

The same mindset that could conspire to foist ObamaCare on Americans by deception is at work to do the same thing with an unconstitutional, unilateral announcement of amnesty for millions of illegal—oops, “undocumented”—aliens living in America.
What is amazing about this is that it was announced the day after the midterm election when Obama and the Democratic Party had suffered a huge rejection. I suppose when you believe, as Obama apparently does, that he is right when everyone else is telling him he’s wrong, moving ahead on amnesty now rather than waiting to work on legislation with the new Congress makes sense to him.
Only it does not make sense. Causing a constitutional crisis never makes sense.
At this point I think it is useless to try to get inside Obama’s mind regarding his actions. It’s like trying to understand the logic of a six-year-old. He does what he wants to do simply because he wants to do it. He ignores reality if it disagrees with his opinion about anything.
We all have two more years of this arrogance.

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