Monday, November 17, 2014

The Idiocy Defense

Me to disobedient child, "Did you do that?"
Petulant child, "I don't know."  "It wasn't me."  "It was my sister."  "Oh, I didn't understand that I wasn't supposed to do that."
See, that is what a child does.  He or she denies that she did anything wrong.  He or she then deflects, lies and claims no knowledge of the offense.
Does that sound like anyone that you know?  In my house, we call this "Obama-ing."  Maybe, I should starting calling it "Pelosi-ing" or "Reid-ing."  It would fit just as well.
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have all built successful political careers on the idiocy defense.  Not knowing anything has really been successful for them.

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