Monday, April 14, 2014

Such Nice Folks Are The Progressives

This illustrates how disrespectful progressives are to legitimate concerns raised by those who do not buy their self appointed superiority and absolute hold on all truth.  Opposing facts are not welcomed.  Dialogue is not permitted.  When they declare a matter settled, it is settled.

To reinforce the point read how tolerant this progressive/liberal leftist is and what he wants to do.

This is the way just one of the many progressive special interest groups behave.  Is this tolerance or idiotic hate speech?

Think our progressive laden government cares about the people?  They now legally steal money via underhanded tax laws.  This is utterly disgusting.  Quote:  "In a case that is a perfect storm illustration of an arbitrary and incompetent federal government running roughshod over its citizens, 'a single sentence tucked into the farm bill'  had led to outrageous behavior."

A quote:  "Two of the biggest and best-connected lobbyists in Washington, DC are divorcing each other, and in the process they are placing on the public record the amazing wealth that can be generated by helping rent-seeking powerful interests shape the laws and regulations that separate Americans into winners and losers as the state confiscates a fifth of our GDP and regulates much of the rest."

What ever happened to the open exchange of ideas and debates that produced for everyone a better understanding of our own ideas and those of others?  The imposition of political correctness on public discourse has closed/is closing minds because of the progressive based culture now in control of our country.   In a word it is "tyranny" of thought imposed on us by the leftist/progressive elite. 

George Burns

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