Monday, April 14, 2014

Media Bias In Spades

These are sad items which depict how far the liberal mainstream media has fallen from its mission of keeping the public informed and as our watchdog against improper government actions/behavior.

An example of protecting, maybe better said hiding, news unflattering for the Obama administration.

Would you say this is both hypocrisy of the highest order or plain old liberal propaganda?  Probably both.

To protect the government's interests the mainstream media completely ignored a major news story.  To deny that they are lackey's for the progressives in government is to deny reality.  This purposeful oversight confirms their role as government propaganda agents.   

Keeping people uninformed is what they do.  What they do cover is often items they feel comfortable with or have to broadcast, unimportant or salacious pieces they want to hype to distract us or something the government wants propagandized.

George Burns

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