When they reached 7 million sign ups, they declared
victory. But wait there's more. The original goal was to provide
coverage for 30 million uninsured, not screw with those having
insurance. What they got with the 7 million instead was a substantial
rise in the number of people on Medicaid, a substantial number of people
who enrolled simply because their regular insurance was cancelled many
of whom ended up getting taxpayer funded subsidies, others did not
qualify for subsidies so the cost of their insurance costs went up. It
is likely that no more than 2-3 million came from the prior uninsured
ranks, the original goal. Nothing about this is voluntary
- involuntarily forced upon the people by law or suffer punishment.
This does not count all the many other not so incidental tragic results
Obamacare imposes on most Americans, our medical system and the job
situation. And the empty victory only became possible because the
President unilaterally changed the law (some say illegally) at least 20
times. Yet they celebrated...what an empty travesty it really is
instead of anything close to a victory. Yet they celebrated. What
shallow people they are. http://www.newsmax.com/NewsmaxTv/TomDeLay-ACA-credibility-Armageddon/2014/04/02/id/563325/ Yet another factor is how many who signed up actually paid. Lets take a quick look. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/insurance-enrollment-paying-premiums/2014/04/03/id/563600/
Remember when the left lambasted Bush when he was aboard ship and
exclaimed mission accomplished in Iraq? Wasn't true was it. Well, I
think maybe Obama will find himself is a similar pickle.
Then read this one. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/04/white_house_celebrates_7_million_people_forced_by_law_to_sign_up_for_insurance_.html
Then this one. What one of the architects of Obamacare says is the real reason for Obamacare http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/04/ezekiel_emmanuels_reaper_curve.html
Then this. It is so botched no one knows just how bad it is. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obamacare-enrollment-flaws-premiums/
Here is some additional reading for those with the time and interest.
An unbelievable story that portends which is to come if Obamacare is not scraped. http://spectator.org/articles/58588/obamacare-takes-life
Politicians trying to save careers vs doing what is right. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/barrasso-cooking-books-obamacare/
What the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic thinks. http://freebeacon.com/issues/cleveland-clinic-ceo-34-of-obamacare-signups-will-face-higher-premiums/
Obamacare is a tool used to advantage Democrats. http://dailycaller.com/2014/03/31/california-obamacare-exchange-sent-out-voter-ballots-pre-marked-as-democratic/
What a debacle. Millions of dollars wasted. http://spectator.org/articles/58569/biggest-healthcare-scandal-you%E2%80%99ve-never-heard-about
Many professionals who supported Obamacare are now sorry they did. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/14/nyregion/with-affordable-care-act-canceled-policies-for-new-york-professionals.html
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