Sunday, April 13, 2014

About the Indecency of the Left

The left was happy with the system that allowed their well funded special interests were advantageous for their purposes during election cycles.  That is why they so oppose this Supreme Court decision.  It levels the playing field.

A host of Democrats and progressive media types tried their best to shore up former IRS official, Lois Lerner's, contention that she/the IRS did not target conservative groups.  Congressional testimony by IRS officers, however, refutes their efforts.  See this summary of the results of testimony.

Its okay for progressives/liberals/democrats to harass women in the workforce but not conservatives.  This is the very height of liberal hypocrisy.

Jay Carney tries but is unable to explain the White House numbers.  The case for unequal pay the President is touting is going to be a hard sale given his own unequal treatment of his female staff. The progressive's normal declaration for others to "Do as I say but not as I do" will not work this time.

An example of Bureau of Land Management oppression of ranchers.  This is nothing short of tyrannical actions taken by our government.  Note this quote from the last standing rancher trying to make a living “Years ago, I used to have 52 neighboring ranchers,” he said. “I’m the last man standing. How come? Because BLM regulated these people off the land and out of business.”

We have been told, because they tell us, how tolerant, open minded and decent progressives are.  Well, if you believe that baloney, read this.   When it comes to progressive speak, it is important to ignore their words and examine their behavior /mendacity instead - way too often they do not match.

There are plenty of other is true that others, conservatives, etc. can be two-faced too.  However, my experience is that progressives are by far the worst of the lot.

George Burns

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