Monday, April 28, 2014

Peace Breaks Out: Why is our political class so oblivious?

Well, it turns out that the Palestinians have in fact made peace, but not with Israel. Quite the contrary, they have sworn to never recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The war against Israel by all avenues of aggression or attrition advances apace. The occupation must be resisted at all costs. Children must be weaned on the sour milk of hatred. The struggle will continue.
The peace they chose to make was with each other. No longer shall the Hamas haymaker box against the West Bank heavyweights, nor shall the Fatah fatwa condemn the Gaza rocketeers. Israel rightly recoiled in shock. After all the American hope and hype generated by the frenetic pace of Obama and Kerry pushing the Peace Process, the Palestinians have made a mockery of the whole spiel. Instead of coming to the table in good faith, the supposedly moderate Mahmoud Abbas shows he has more in common with the murderous terrorists of Hamas than with the civilized pluralists of Israel. 

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