Friday, April 18, 2014

Sorry To Say But Our President Is Way Out of Touch

A few examples.

In the face of our extraordinary fiscal problems, Obama wants to raise our contribution to the UN by 33% (we already pay over 20%)  which includes a 43% increase of our contributions for peacekeeping missions.   The man is totally void of any fiscal sense of responsibility for our nation and to the people who pay the taxes funding his enormous unilateral give-away programs.  Some would say this is nothing short of treason.  

And, note this.  He has set aside $1 billion to protect the environment from the ravages of a hugely suspect global warming theory starting with getting a handle on the amount cows fart.  Animals across the globe fart as do people, even the president and his family, and have done so since time immemorial.  Now he thinks cows are as bad at polluting a natural and critical plant food (Co2) as we humans are.  What a sick misguided way to think.  You have to ask yourself why the focus on cows?  Answer:  Because he, the EPA and indeed many government bureaucracies want to extend their cold griping, controlling hand around the beef and dairy industries.  They aren't concerned about you or the earth.  They are concerned about control any way they can get it.  This is just one of a multitude of examples of what our irresponsible government is willing to do to grasp and maintain control over the people it is suppose to "Serve".   The  Bundy ranch debacle serves as an example.

Personal frugality is not his strong suit.  Extravagant expenditures are routine with both he and his family.  Just one of many, many examples of how he personally spends our tax dollars.   He enjoys himself while many across the country can hardly make ends meet.

Lost his credibility on Obamacare numbers.  No kidding.

George Burns

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