Monday, October 21, 2024

2024: Voting by Facts, Not Feelings

The national average cost of gasoline under Kamala rose 47%. Americans paid $2.28 per gallon under Trump, but that same gallon would cost $3.35 today.

Under Kamala, filling up a 20-gallon gas tank would cost Americans $67; under Trump, it would cost only $45.60, or $21.40 less.

The numbers tell the real story, so as far as people's pocketbooks are concerned, based on the economic facts, Americans enjoyed much more spending power and consumer freedom under Trump.

According to a August 2024 article by the Heritage Foundation, "Between October 2022 and April 2023 - Customs and Border Protection seized more than 17,000 pounds of fentanyl at the southern border, enough to kill every single American 14 times over[.] ... Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 49." With the election right around the corner, President Trump and millions of Americans now see Kamala Harris taking credit for a wall she detested for many years.

Again, the numbers tell the real story, so as far as border security is concerned, under Trump, the American people were safer and the border more secure as the number of illegal alien crossings hit a historic 45-year low, whereas under Harris, the number of illegal border crossings hit historic highs with the fallout being higher crime rates and the senseless rapes and deaths of Americans.

Americans don't need to imagine what a presidency under Trump will look like because precise data reveals his four years in office.

Americans had more spending money and were safer under Trump.

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