Monday, September 2, 2024

Trump Ally Tulsi Gabbard Blasts Kamala Harris After CNN’s Dana Bash Tries to Get Her with ‘Gotcha’ Question on President Trump’s Visit to Arlington National Cemetery With Gold Star Families

Former Congresswoman and Trump ally Tulsi Gabbard went on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Dana Bash on Sunday to discuss President Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery.

Perhaps the greatest evidence of President Trump’s compassion is what the Gold Star Families had to say about President Trump’s kindness while contrasting it with Kamala’s indifference toward their families and the fallen soldiers.

President Trump visited Arlington Cemetery with Gold Star Families on the anniversary of the Kabul bombing that killed 13 US servicemembers.

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and the fake news media shamelessly attacked President Trump for honoring the Gold Star families.

Even the woke Army was critical of President Trump for honoring the Gold Star families.

Dana Bash tried to get Tulsi Gabbard with a ‘gotcha’ question but failed.

While President Trump spent quality time with the Gold Star families and honoring the fallen service men and women, Kamala took to social media to criticize him while doing nothing of value herself.

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