Saturday, September 28, 2024

Suppression of Science and Inconvenient Truths

The discussion on climate shifts was interesting, since they believed that they might be related to periodic changes in Earth's mantle.

Lindzen's paper is still viable today since definitive evidence and examples of man-made climate change dangers have not been found, even 34 years later.

Table 12.12 in AR6 WGI. The colored boxes show the climate changes that have emerged from climate noise to date.

Only a few very benign climate changes have been observed.

The right-hand column of the table shows detected "Climate change impact drivers" that can be seen today or in Earth's recent history, that is since ~1750 or later.

The IPCC defines climate change impact drivers or "CIDs" as physical climate system conditions that affect an element of society or ecosystems.

A climate change impact driver is defined as a change that has exceeded a signal to noise ratio of one.

Roger Pielke Jr. and his colleagues found that even if a particular change occurred, we could not be sure it was real climate change for over 100 years.

As the legend shows, orange means a decrease and blue means an increase, a white box means no change is detected above the noise level.

The tropical cyclone box is white, likewise the boxes for wind speed, drought, flooding, precipitation, wildfires, landslides, ocean acidity, and sea level rise are white, meaning no significant change is detected.

" there is low confidence in observed long-term trends in TC intensity, frequency, and duration, and any observed trends in phenomena such as tornadoes and hail; it is likely that the global frequency of TCs will either decrease or remain essentially unchanged, there is low confidence in projections of small-scale phenomena such as tornadoes and hail storms; and there is medium confidence that there will be a reduced frequency and a poleward shift of mid-latitude cyclones due to future anthropogenic climate change.

" From the AR6 WGI Summary for Policymakers, on page 8 "Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe. Evidence of observed changes in extremes such as heatwaves, heavy precipitation, droughts, and tropical cyclones, and, in particular, their attribution to human influence, has strengthened since AR5." Ideas that go against the consensus can get editors fired.

Politicians can change what the scientists have written to achieve political ends.

As the planet warms the equator-to-pole temperature gradient decreases since tropical temperatures barely change.

A change in the rate of sea level rise is not expected to be detected globally before the end of the 21st century, except possibly using the extreme, and unlikely, RCP 8.5 scenario.

Thus, the acceleration of sea level change in each ocean basin is different, the global mean sea level is a combination of all the changes in each basin and just reporting global changes in sea level masks a lot of complexity.

Solar Maxima do not have an instantaneous effect since the change in solar output is small and they work by accumulating excess thermal energy in the climate system, especially in the oceans.

We constantly hear from the news media that human-caused climate change is dangerous now or that we are seeing signs that serious climate change disasters are imminent.

These obvious changes have simply made the world a greener and better place.

Warming occurs mostly in the higher latitudes, temperatures in the tropics barely change and are limited to about 30°C by evaporation and the resulting deep convection of warm humid air that forms clouds.

Further these known variations in the Sun correlate very well with historical climate changes.

The bias in the U.N. climate change reports is mostly selection bias. 

For more details on AR6 and its problems see: The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC: An Analysis of AR6.

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