Monday, September 2, 2024

Nancy Pelosi Says The Quiet Part Out Loud To Bill Maher

The southern border invasion, fueled by the Biden-Harris administration's disastrous open border policies, has been a devastating blow to this nation.

On Friday, elderly Nancy Pelosi said the quiet part out loud on "Real Time with Bill Maher," openly stating her desire to turn all 'undocumented' migrants into 'documented' ones.

Our borders have been flooded with millions of unvetted, unvaccinated illegal aliens (remember, 'trust the science' Democrats wanted to jail people for not being Covid vaccinated just a few years ago...), including ISIS terrorists.

She also supported the idea of providing subsidized housing for illegal aliens.

Well, the number of high-profile Democrats jumping ship to support Trump is evident that this party is no longer the Democratic Party your parents voted for.

So what changed in the last 16 years with some folks in the Democratic Party that support communist price controls, nation-killing open borders, anti-American rhetoric, and mass censorship?

On the contrary, Democrats want more illegal aliens and offer mass amnesty.

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