Thursday, September 26, 2024

Kamala Harris Makes Dan Quayle Look Like A Superhero

If you want an idea of just how inept Kamala Harris has been as vice president, measure her against former Vice President Dan Quayle - the guy that the left universally berated as a pampered half-wit.

Quayle's approval ratings were, like Harris', in the basement when he was VP. There was constant chatter among Republicans that George H.W. Bush should dump him.

As senator, Quayle was an accomplished legislator who could work both sides of the aisle and who achieved something that, until it happened, seemed impossible: He managed to convince a Democratically controlled House and Senate to gut a job training program that dated back to FDR and replace it with a public-private partnership that was "Unique at the time because it linked explicit performance standards with performance incentives." Harris? Even in her campaign bio, she can't list a single accomplishment as senator.

It's their respective records as vice president where Harris' comparative incompetence truly shines.

Biden, on the other hand, gave Harris the job of confronting a border crisis by dealing with its "Root causes." She visited Central America twice, handed out billions in aid, and told Central Americans "Don't come, don't come," after which about 10 million flooded across the border.

Harris failed, even though Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress.

Can anyone - who is not a die-hard Democrat or a member of the hopelessly corrupt media - honestly say anything like that about Kamala Harris? Quayle's public career ended in November 1992 when Bush lost reelection in a humiliating defeat.

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