Thursday, September 26, 2024

Federal Agency Funds Campus Event Celebrating Islamic Terror and Oct 7

While the media has been attacking Trump over his pro-Israel speech, this is what a federal agency is comfortable funding under the Biden-Harris administration.

Whether the NEH is specifically funding the terror event or being referred to as funding the Wake Forest Univerity Humanities Institute through the existing “major grant” from the federal agency, this is a serious issue that Congress may wish to investigate.

The National Endowment for the Humanities is a federal agency and its name appears on a flier advertising an event by a terror supporter who wants to destroy Israel and America.

Wake Forest students on the Hillel and Chabad student executive boards created an online petition early this week urging the administration to cancel an event scheduled for Oct. 7 featuring speaker Rabab Abdulhadi.

Jewish student leaders have made several attempts to address these concerns with the administration, only to be dismissed.” The most striking thing here is not even that such an event is taking place on a college campus, but that it’s being sponsored by a Federal agency.

The event, titled “One Year Since al-Aqsa Flood: Reflections on a Year of Genocide and Resistance,” will be held in the ZSR Auditorium on Oct. 7.

It is crucial that Wake Forest upholds its values and ensures that speakers who promote hatred and violence are not given a platform on our campus.

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