Saturday, September 28, 2024

If we don’t confront the Deep State head-on, we will continue to live under its rule

The Deep State is a network of unelected officials, powerful institutions, and corporate elites that operate beyond democratic control.

While critics often dismiss it as a conspiracy theory, others argue that the Deep State is a tangible and complex network of bureaucratic, financial and military actors who shape national and global policies for their own benefit, largely detached from democratic processes.

The Deep State refers to a collection of bureaucrats, military leaders, intelligence agencies and corporate elites who hold immense, unaccountable power over government decisions.

Whether pushing for endless wars, mass surveillance, bull-sh*t sciences such as mRNA-vaccinology and climate change or Big-Corporate-friendly legislation, the Deep State serves a select few while undermining the democratic ideals upon which nations were built.

In the US, suspicions of a Deep State have been fuelled by decades of government secrecy and unaccountable power.

Elected officials, ostensibly accountable to the people, are increasingly beholden to Deep State actors who operate within democracies but outside the democratic process.

The Deep State has also given rise to an era of mass surveillance.

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