Thursday, September 26, 2024

U.N. Approves Bid For World Government

On Sunday morning, the United Nations adopted without debate a “Pact for the Future” that includes a mandate for the organization and its Secretary-General to manage “complex global shocks.” While the language employed misleadingly obscures the true purpose of this new charter, it is clearly to turn the United Nations into a world government.

They used the occasion to applaud a recent, bipartisan vote approving legislation that requires Senate consent on global governance-promoting World Health Organization treaties and denounced the Biden-Harris administration’s support for the inclusion in the Pact for the Future of anti-constitutional efforts to advance world government.

Make no mistake, however: The globalists’ world government – which Americans neither support nor approved – will be coming for our sovereignty and freedoms, too.

The looming presidential election must afford the choice of an alternative that preserves our ability to remain a constitutional Republic with a limited, accountable government of, by and for the people and to safeguard this country’s vital interests, including the survival and security of the State of Israel.” CONTACTS: To interview leading opponents of the UN’s world government power-grab, contact Matthew Franklin at

While not unexpected, this outcome was achieved notwithstanding sustained efforts by countless people here and around the world to ask God to deliver us from this evil, including those who participated in a powerful X Spaces hosted by Bill Ellmore on the eve of the vote.

NOTE: This press release is posted on the Sovereignty Coalition site as a public service, but its content is not necessarily endorsed by all members of the Coalition.

In practice, calling the Pact non-binding facilitates the adoption of institutional evolutions that, once begun, are extremely difficult – if not effectively impossible – to reverse.

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