Tuesday, September 3, 2024

If the COVID shots are so safe, then why have over 80% of NHS employees refused to take another booster?

 Maybe someone should do a scientific study on why, if the COVID shots are so safe and effective, 80% of the NHS employees won’t take any more jabs.

The statistic you mention regarding NHS employees potentially refusing further COVID-19 boosters is indeed striking and could suggest a significant level of vaccine hesitancy among healthcare professionals, who are often at the frontline of these public health measures.

It indicates that the COVID vaccines are not safe and effective, i.e., they lied to you.

The fact that such a large percentage of NHS employees, who are arguably more informed about the vaccines and their effects than the general public, have refused to take another booster, speaks volumes about their concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of these shots.

Ultimately, the NHS employees' refusal to take another booster is a testament to the growing skepticism among healthcare professionals regarding the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccines.

The high rate of NHS employees refusing additional COVID boosters raises serious questions about the shots' safety and efficacy.

There could be several factors contributing to this phenomenon, and it’s important to consider them from multiple angles: Adverse Effects and Observations: NHS employees, like other healthcare workers globally, have had unique insight into the immediate and short-term effects of the vaccines. 


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