Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Department of Justice failed to prosecute cases after receiving reports of aliens voting

This calls into question the political motivations of those responsible for upholding federal election laws.

The suspiciously low number of prosecutions contrasts with thousands thousands of aliens having been registered to vote in recent years, and at least hundreds being flagged to the Justice Department as having actually cast a ballot.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the federal government decided to only go after 35 criminal cases of aliens voting in American elections from 2001 to 2021 — the latest year for which data is available.

“I think that’s clearly the motivation here.

“[T]he United States has experienced a record number of border encounters since President Biden took office — nearly 10 million — many of whom have been released into, or evaded apprehension while entering, the U.S.,” a bicameral group of U.S. lawmakers wrote to Garland in July, asking about enforcement of 18 U.S.C. 611 since Biden took office. “Plainly, there are opportunities for and instances of non-citizen voter registration, and so the critical question is whether the laws against doing so are being enforced by your Department.”

A congressional staffer told The Federalist that the DOJ did not respond to the lawmakers’ letter, an indication the DOJ continues to keep the members of Congress in the dark about enforcement numbers. The DOJ did not respond to multiple requests for comment and confirmation of the numbers.

That’s why they weren’t interested in pursuing these cases.” Screenshot of Bureau of Justice Statistics database showing 35 prosecutions under 18 U.S.C.

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