Wednesday, September 11, 2024

‘Let Them Eat Joy’

The Democratic Party remains the party of the elites; now it’s given up on economic policy altogether, which has been replaced by feelings and “vibes.” If Harris were being honest, her campaign slogan wouldn’t be “Kamala Harris—for the people.” It would be, “Let them eat the joy of the rich and powerful.” That’s all that’s on offer.

The Democratic National Convention, which just wrapped up in Chicago with the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris for president, positively glittered.

One other thing, though, was on full display: the class divide that has come to define the Democratic Party.

The event was chock full of celebrity politicians, musicians, movie stars, millionaires, and even a couple billionaires; the combined net worth of the Democratic glitterati who graced the stage was probably bigger than that of some small nations.

Who is Kamala Harris? What does she plan to do as president? There was gaslighting aplenty as we were reintroduced to a woman we all know, as if she were a blank slate available for projection.

Every accusation with the Democrats is a confession.

If Donald Trump is such an obvious threat, why the need to lie, embellish, and invent stories about his evil? Indeed, if Harris’s plan to save America makes her such an obvious, easy choice over Trump, why talk about him at all?

To the extent that a pitch was made to the American people about what a Harris/Walz administration would look like, it was that it would be filled with the joy of the rich and the famous, of Kerry Washington and Hillary Clinton, JB Pritzker and Michelle Obama. 

If Harris were being honest, her campaign slogan wouldn’t be “Kamala Harris—for the people.” It would be, “Let them eat the joy of the rich and powerful.” That’s all that’s on offer.

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