Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Potentially Tens, If Not Hundreds, Of Thousands Of Ineligible Voters On Undisclosed Voter Rolls In Crucial Battleground States Like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan: It’s Time For The RNC To Pursue Offensive Strategy With Counter-Lawfare

These lawfare efforts on the Democrats’ part, abetted by radical lawyers like Marc Elias, Andrew Weismann, and Norm Eisen, should be expected to worsen in the weeks ahead as they see any poll leads they once had evaporate in thin air.

Of these methods, the most readily identifiable concern is the integrity of the voter rolls, and the high prospect – now with at least 7.2 million illegals having flooded the country over just the past four years (an extremely conservative estimate, by the way, that discounts the potentially millions of more so-called ‘gotaways,’ undetected by border patrol) that ineligible voters might appear on these rolls in key battleground states.

The mantra by the Trump campaign all year long has naturally been “too big to rig” – in other words, flood the ballots with so many Trump voters as to overcome even 2020-levels of fraud.

Of particular concern is battleground states with Democratic Governors – a list that includes Pennsylvania (Gov. Josh Shapiro), arguably the most important (hence, ‘keystone’) state this cycle with its 19 electoral votes (EVs), Arizona (Gov. Katie Hobbs – 11 EVs), Wisconsin (Gov. Tony Evers – 10 EVs), Michigan (Gov. Gretchen Whitmer – 15 EVs), and North Carolina (Gov. Roy Cooper – 16 EVs).

Of these methods, the most readily identifiable concern is the integrity of the voter rolls, and the high prospect – now with at least 7.2 million illegals having flooded the country over just the past four years (an extremely conservative estimate, by the way, that discounts the potentially millions of more so-called ‘gotaways,’ undetected by border patrol) that ineligible voters might appear on these rolls in key battleground states.

The voter roll concern is not a conspiracy, but basic mathematics.

Josh Shapiro), arguably the most important (hence, ‘keystone’) state this cycle with its 19 electoral votes (EVs), Arizona (Gov.

As such, just eight weeks out from November 5th, it’s due time to shift our collective focus to the integrity of the electoral process itself.

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