Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Johnson forced to delay vote on stopgap funding plan as GOP opposition rises

 House GOP leaders pulled their six-month stopgap funding plan on Wednesday, hours before a scheduled floor vote.

This is a one-corner deal,” DeLauro said of Johnson’s pulled plan.

Facing a number of Republican holdouts, Speaker Mike Johnson said they’ll delay the vote until next week as they work to quell Republican opposition and “build consensus.” "We are going to continue to work on this.

House GOP leaders have been already been whipping the bill, and nearly a dozen Republicans have publicly said they plan to vote against it.

The measure has crumbled amid mounting criticism from conservatives, defense hawks and other Republican factions, and it’s unclear that more time will help save the bill unless leaders make drastic changes.

Unless they can find adjustments to placate detractors, there's an increasing likelihood that House Republicans will wind up saddled with a three-month stopgap spending bill backed by Democrats and the White House, free of any divisive policy add-ons.

The whip is going to do the hard work to build consensus and work on the weekend on that," Johnson said, noting they are having "family conversations" about it.

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