Wednesday, September 11, 2024

SC ranks 9th highest increase in household spending since 2020

SC ranks 9th in household expenditure, while standing at 45th place in terms of household income. This discrepancy is a cause for concern.

A new study ranks states based on household spending per capita over the past five years.

SC ranks 9th in household expenditure, while standing at 45th place in terms of household income.

On average, SC residents household spending is $9,500 higher compared to 2020.

Oregon completes the top ten with a 25.56% increase in per capita household spending on housing and utilities.

SC residents’ household spending has increased by an average of $9,500 compared to 2020, while their purchasing power has declined by 17% during that same time frame.

The Silver State’s average household expenditures surged from $40,300 in 2018 to $50,900 in 2022. holds the ninth position in terms of a 25.88% surge in per capita household spending.

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