Monday, September 23, 2024

'Dystopian nightmare': U.N. demands immunity for 'employees' implicated in Oct. 7 massacre

In the document submitted to the court, the U.N. claims the UNRWA employees who participated in the massacre have immunity: “Since the U.N. has not waived their immunity in this case, its subsidiary organization, UNRWA, continues to enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution, and the lawsuit should be dismissed.” Furthermore, the U.S. Justice Department under the questionable stewardship of the Attorney General Merrick Garland, backed the U.N.’s play: ”The plaintiffs’ complaint does not present a theory under which the United Nations waived its immunity.

JERUSALEM – The United Nations, with the backing of the United States Department of Justice filed an official document in a U.S. court, arguing UNRWA employees implicated in the Oct. 7 massacres should be immune from prosecution, according to a report on Israel’s Channel 12 Saturday evening.

Therefore, since the U.N. has not waived their immunity in this case, its subsidiary organization, UNRWA, continues to enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution, and the lawsuit against the defendant UNRWA should be dismissed due to the lack of subject matter.” We are not talking unpaid parking tickets in New York City, here, which can simply be waived away.

At issue is the participation of hundreds of UNRWA employees – at various levels of seniority – in the worst anti-Jewish pogrom in some 80 years.

It is also a particularly nasty and capricious piece of lawfare, with Channel 12 explaining the onus would now be on the surviving family members having to demonstrate why the immunity protecting UNRWA workers should be revoked.

Additionally, credible reports have emerged of high-ranking UNRWA employees stealing and hoarding the aid which has flowed into Gaza to offset a non-existent threat of famine.

It is estimated some 10% of UNRWA’s 14,000 or so Gaza staff (pre-war) also moonlight as Hamas operatives.

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