Monday, September 23, 2024

Politicians Put Migrants Ahead of American Children

Massachusetts, however, doesn’t mandate that children of American taxpayers in grades 7-12 be able to access school bus service—just migrant children.

Students across the country are back in school, and many tax-paying parents are finding that leftist-run state and local governments are once again using a national crisis to put American children last.

For four years, COVID was the government’s excuse for failing to educate American students; now—with the COVID emergency having ended and illegal border crossings having reached a record high in 2023—the government’s new excuse is the migrant crisis.

While the government’s near-total disregard for American children mostly affects students in government-run public schools, students in private schools aren’t safe from governmental recklessness either.

The district’s official policy states “that all children who are registered and attend Saugus Public Schools, at the expense of the citizens of Saugus, [must] be legal residents whose actual [permanent] residence is in Saugus.” Sounds like common sense to most taxpaying Americans—but not to the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, which told the Boston Herald that it is communicating with Saugus Public Schools following a letter sent by Massachusetts migrant advocates that called Saugus’s admission policy “exclusionary.” Whether they want to or not, school districts around the country are being forced by federal and state authorities to focus on providing aid to migrant children as opposed to educating the children of district taxpayers.

Look at Saugus, MA.

“Anytime somebody makes a decision like that in the dark, it’s rarely the correct decision to make.” Law-abiding, tax-paying citizens deserve better than to be shut out from major decisions about where their money is going, especially when it comes to something as important as the education and safety of their children.

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