Monday, September 23, 2024

Harris and Biden Putting Illegal Aliens First and Americans Last

Economic opportunity is going to foreigners, not Americans.

When it comes to Americans marrying foreign nationals, once again, it’s illegal aliens at the front of the line.

Shame on the Harris/Biden administration for once again prioritizing illegal aliens over American citizens.

Harris and Biden’s “America Last” agenda favors securing other countries’ borders while leaving America’s borders wide open.

The MAGA or “America First” agenda places Americans at the head of the line, providing economic opportunity.

I used the term “aliens” rather than “migrants” or “immigrants” in my title in polite deference to President Bill Clinton, who in his 1995 State of the Union address said, “All Americans…are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country.

CNBC gaslights, “How immigrants are helping keep job growth hot.” Or from PBS, “How migrant workers have contributed to strong U.S. job growth.” Tell that to the millions of job-seeking Americans.

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