Friday, May 22, 2020

Watchdog Raises Questions About China Influence at Penn Biden Center

At its founding in 2018, Biden described the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement as "a place where policymakers here and abroad will know they can be in touch with some of the best minds."

The center is one of several organizations Biden founded since leaving the White House in 2017, including the domestic policy-focused Biden Institute at the University of Delaware and the Biden Cancer Initiative, all launched in 2017.

While the Penn Biden Center has not released information on its donors, foreign funding to the University of Pennsylvania has risen more than threefold since its soft opening, spiking to over $100 million last year from $31 million in 2016, according to Department of Education records.

"Joe Biden's affiliation with the Penn Biden Center further raises concerns of foreign influence not unlike those raised when the Clinton Foundation received millions of dollars in donations while Hillary Clinton was running for president," the complaint said.

The anonymous contributions could also run afoul of federal law that requires universities to disclose the source of any foreign donation or contract over $250,000, according to the NLPC. "The reporting and disclosure violations of gifts from China to U of Penn and its Penn Biden Center are both numerous and flagrant," said Paul Kamenar, counsel for NLPC. "The Department of Justice should take swift enforcement action in federal court and recoup all costs getting them to comply with the law."

The NLPC said in its letter the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Biden Center were "Particularly vulnerable to China government influences due to the large amounts of China donations and contracts" at the school.

Penn's investment in the Penn Biden Center has been significant: a luxe D.C. office directly across from the U.S. Capitol Building in addition to employment for Biden's longtime foreign policy aides; highly promoted conferences featuring Biden conversing with foreign leaders; and a total of $900,000 in payments to the former vice president, according to his tax records.

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