Friday, May 22, 2020

Does Anyone Really Believe the Polls Showing Biden Cruising to Victory?

Former Vice President Joe Biden is leading President Trump in most of the recent polls, prompting the question: are we really going to do this again?

Biden has no doubt benefited from being locked in his house for the past couple of months.

Avoiding the campaign trail and prolonged exposure in the public eye has been a gift from Heaven for Team Biden.

When an appearance is preserved to share on social media, they manage to find one or two sentences where Biden didn't sound clinically insane to create the appearance that he's A-OK. Rick wrote a post yesterday that examines how different methodologies can be used to predict victory for either Trump or Biden, showing that nobody really has a crystal ball that's worth a damn.

President Trump probably relishes the opportunity to face Biden in a couple of debates.

I wouldn't even point to the spectacular failure of the polls in 2016 as a reason to be dismissive of the current Biden victory snapshot that they are providing us.

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