Friday, May 29, 2020

A Fatal Failing of Establishment Elites

In his half-century in national politics, Joe Biden has committed more than his fair share of gaffes.

A miffed Biden signed off, saying, "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

As Biden put it, if you're for Trump, "You ain't black."

Recognizing the damage he may have done with his own and his party's most loyal constituency, which might object to being taken for granted as knee-jerk Democratic voters, Biden's staff put in a hasty call to a gathering of the U.S. Black Chamber of Commerce.

As for Biden's remark, "No one should have to vote for any party based on their race or religion or background," it is surely true.

What, other than a naked appeal to gender, was behind Biden's declaration during the primaries that, in picking a running mate, he would exclude all white men all men, and select a woman? And what, other than an appeal to black and female voters was behind Biden's pledge to name a black woman to the Supreme Court?

Biden is now under pressure to choose not only a woman, but a woman of color, an African American, such as Sen. Kamala Harris of California or Georgia activist Stacey Abrams as his running mate.

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