Saturday, May 30, 2020

Michael Flynn transcripts reveal plenty except crime or collusion

The newly released transcripts of Flynn's calls are deeply disturbing - not for their evidence of criminality or collusion but for the total absence of such evidence.

Kislyak later spoke with Flynn again and confirmed that Moscow agreed to tone down the conflict in the practical approach laid out by Flynn.

The real question is why the FBI continued to investigate Flynn in the absence of any crime or evidence of collusion.

In December 2016, investigators had found no evidence of any crime by Flynn.

We learned recently that Strzok discussed trying to get Flynn to give false or misleading information in that interview, to enable a criminal charge, and that FBI lawyer Lisa Page suggested agents "Just casually slip" in a reference to the criminal provision for lying and then get Flynn to slip up on the details.

Later, special counsel charged Flynn with that false statement, to pressure him into cooperating; Flynn fought the case into virtual bankruptcy but agreed to plead guilty when Mueller threatened to prosecute his son, too.

So the transcripts confirm there never was a scintilla of criminal conduct or evidence of collusion against Flynn before or during these calls.

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