Thursday, May 28, 2020

What the 'Obamagate' Scandals Mean and Why They Matter

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, whether you like Donald Trump or loathe him, these violations matter.

Third, since the FBI wanted to spy on Trump aides who were not actually suspected of crimes, they couldn't get regular warrants.

The Obama team did whatever it could to bring down the new administration, primarily with accusations Trump had won with Russia's help.

The committee, controlled by Republicans in 2017-18, asked Obama's senior officials in law enforcement, intelligence, and national security if they had any evidence the Trump campaign actually colluded with Russia.

Much as the Obama administration hated to see Hillary Clinton lose, it was obliged to transfer power seamlessly to Donald Trump.

Because Gen. Flynn was an experienced intelligence officer, he would surely uncover the surveillance of Trump's campaign and transition and stop its continuation against the new administration.

Now we know just how low the Obama administration and Comey FBI sunk to make that happen: spying, unmasking, leaking classified phone calls, discarding FBI protocols to set up an entrapment interview based on a meaningless "Legal violation," and telling Trump directly, as Obama did, not to hire Flynn.

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