Thursday, May 28, 2020

Democrats Fear Prosperity

"This is going to be extremely difficult no matter what. It's existential that we figure it out. In any of these economic scenarios Democrats are going to have to win the argument that our public health and economy are much worse off because of Donald Trump's failure of leadership."

Typically speaking, the further left the Democrat is who manages to get elected president, the worse the economy will perform.

So Republicans don't really have to root for a poor economy to sink a Democrat president.

On balance, the poor economy is a given, unless, as was the case when Bill Clinton was president, there was a Republican majority in the legislative branch able to temper the worst impulses of a Democrat in the White House.

If you're a Democrat, you actively root against the economy, because it's a real threat to your quest for political power if the other side can prove again and again that their way works better than yours.

We know, because it was a very poorly kept secret, that the Democrats were praying for COVID-19 to kill the American economy and create the conditions Furman is saying won't persist through the fall.

Democrats are trying to keep the economy closed because it's more important to beat Trump in November than for the country to succeed.

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