Thursday, May 28, 2020

Coronavirus Lockdowns Are The Most Regressive Policies Since The Draft

The coronavirus lockdowns are America's most regressive government actions since the draft.

Not since the last military draft has the U.S. had a policy so regressive or of such scope.

A half-century removed, Friedman's draft observations are amazingly prescient to the coronavirus lockdown experience: "Military service is now synonymous with enforced incarceration." While lockdowns are hard on everyone, they are a "Hard time" for those with least resources.

The same regressive effects reverberate throughout different aspects of the lockdowns.

Despite these increasing regressive effects, the lockdowns spawning them are in the most self-styled "Progressive" states.

As regressive as the lockdowns clearly were from the outset, the most liberal state governments were not only the first to rush into them, but have been the most reluctant to loosen them despite duration amplifying the harms.

As the coronavirus ripple effect expands, the question of allowing such regressive policies to continue as "Exceptional" also grows.

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