Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Republican Voters Deemed "Ineligible" to Vote in Fraudulent Nevada Primary

Same day registration and voting was also passed by the Democrats recently, which is a tactic used to bus in Californians to vote in polls in Nevada.

Casinos and unions have been seen and heard by witnesses to line up their Hispanic workers, threaten them that if they don't vote Democrat they'll be deported, then throw them on a bus to go vote on company time.

To make matters worse, Democrats recently sued the state to allow for inactive and dead voters to get ballots and for ballot harvestingand what did Clark County do? They immediately rolled over and gave it to them without discussion.

Then it started getting back to me that people who voted for me and who have voted Republican in this state for yearswere finding out that they were no longer "Eligible" to vote.

You have to be 18 to legally vote, you can't just "Not know" the age of the person voting.

I'm aware that older voters usually make up a good chunk of any electionbut 65% of all ballots received? In an election where every single registered Republican dead or alive received a ballot? Odd.

We need to postpone and void this entire fraudulent mail-in primary election, and enact in-person voting that requires state issued ID. We need to go back to all paper ballots with voter receipts that can be traced and verified.


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