Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Cuomo & Friends Killed The City That Never Sleeps

Stop believing their lies! Go back to work and to hell with Cuomo and DeBlasio.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill DeBlasio needed you in a constant state of fear: You'll get sick, arrested, lose your license.

Cuomo, DeBlasio, along with other power-obsessed-Democrats plundered monies from the CARES Stimulus Act to kill the city that never sleeps.

Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill 'Warren Wilhelm' DeBlasio, along with other power-obsessed-Democrats plundered monies from the CARES Stimulus Act to kill the city that never sleeps.

Their plan progressed along with Cuomo and friends, using manipulation, and confusion to weaponize an invisible, deadly virus as the boogeyman where only government can be trusted to save the people from their certain death.

DeBlasio and Cuomo's death-numbers had to remain high in order to justify keeping New York City locked down, as citizens quarantined themselves away in fear that, if they were to venture out without their mask, they would become the virus' next victim.

As if additional proof was needed that Cuomo, DeBlasio and friends have become totally unaccountable to the people, when criticized for dumping sick patients in nursing homes, the arrogant Cuomo sneered back that he was merely following the recommendations set forth by the CDC, as if saying almost child like under his breath, "See, you can't blame me".


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