Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Trump wins the lockdown wars

President Trump has won the lockdown wars as coronavirus-related restrictions on businesses are eased across the country, so far with few signs of dire health consequences for the population.

Whether Trump wins reelection now depends substantially on how the reopening is perceived.

Voters are still nervous about returning to normal too quickly, including key Trump demographics such as senior citizens, who have been trending Democratic during the pandemic, and religious voters, among whom there has been some slippage in favorability for Trump.

A Harvard/Politico poll found that 60% of Republicans now want nonessential businesses to open up in their states, following the president's lead. Trump is betting heavily that reopening will lead to an economic rebound without deepening the public health crisis.

Trump economic adviser Kevin Hassett predicted "a very strong second half of the year" on Friday.

The RealClearPolitics polling averages show Trump trailing in three of four major battleground states, except for North Carolina, where he is up by 1.

"President Trump smartly listened to the medical experts but balanced that with an understanding of the economic realities for working Americans. Come November, if Democrats allow this to be a referendum on endless lockdowns, Trump will win in a landslide."


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