Saturday, May 23, 2020

Media Cowardice and the Collusion Hoax

Newsies in the aftermath of the Russia hoax now insist they were merely reporting on official actions.

Take a podcast in February with former Obama adviser David Axelrod and Rep. Adam Schiff, under the auspices of the University of Chicago and CNN. In an hourlong, intimate setting, how could Mr. Axelrod not ask about the unraveling of the Russia collusion theory and the Steele dossier that Mr. Schiff so assiduously promoted for three years?

The questions needn't be accusatory, but how does someone with a living mind not ask? Instead, Mr. Axelrod abused JFK by painting Mr. Schiff as a profile in courage for peddling a lie that made him extraordinarily popular with the anti-Trump media.

At least Mr. Axelrod noted that Mr. Schiff comes from a safe seat unlike the many Republicans Mr. Schiff constantly accuses of cowardice.

How could any GOP officeholder work with Democrats to rein in Mr. Trump when voters back home see Mr. Schiff falsely trying to frame the GOP president as a Kremlin mole?

Worth 1,000 Washington Post op-eds was Duke University polymath Timur Kuran's analysis of Mr. Trump's famous campaign cheap shot at John McCain.

Even veterans who revered McCain rallied to Mr. Trump because of his "Fearless" willingness to hit back against a Republican icon.

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