Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Pandora's Box Opened with the Release of Trump's Tax Returns

The Supreme Court should not require President Trump to release his tax returns on several grounds.

The Democratic Party's constant attempts to reveal the president's tax returns could be the opening of the proverbial "Pandora's Box.".

We all know why the Democratic Party leaders want to see President Trump's tax returns.

Mr. Johnston made assertions on the tax returns which could not be made from the first two pages of a 1040.

If this "Expert" in tax law could make up conclusions without having any evidence, imagine what could happen if they have the hundreds, possibly thousands, of pages and supporting schedules that a billionaire's tax return contains.

This is in addition to the legal reasons why the tax returns shouldn't be disclosed, mind you.

The Supreme Court should send a clear message by denying the release of the Trump tax returns.

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