Saturday, May 23, 2020

Schiff’s Radical Transparency Shift

Throughout the Trump-Russia probe, Schiff led the charge to oppose the release of FBI documents regarding the Steele dossier and FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on Friday called for transparency in the release of a transcript of former national security adviser Michael Flynn's phone calls in late December 2016 with a Russian ambassador.

Schiff's call for transparency marks a shift in tone for the California Democrat, who has resisted the release of classified documents related to other aspects of the FBI's investigation and surveillance of the Trump campaign.

Schiff led the charge throughout 2018 to oppose the release of FBI and Justice Department documents related to the dossier, which the FBI used to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act orders against Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Schiff opposed a GOP effort to release information about the FBI's handling of the dossier, which was authored by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Schiff compared the release of information about FBI sources - in that case, Steele - to burning an FBI source used in terrorism investigations.

Schiff urged the FBI and Justice Department to refuse to release the documents.

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