Sunday, May 24, 2020

Inside Israel's War on the Coronavirus

Hotels were converted into makeshift hospitals and the Israel Defense Forces deployed across the country to help communities test for the illness and enact quarantines.

In a country of nearly 9 million people, Israel has had just more than 16,000 confirmed cases of the virus, with 277 dying from it.

In one clear sign of the country's success, the U.S. State Department chose Israel as the location of its first foreign trip in more than a month.

A similar tactic was employed with Israeli-Arab communities and territories in the West Bank of Israel controlled by the Palestinian Authority.

In the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Israel has worked with international aid groups including UNICEF and the World Health Organization to coordinate the delivery of needed supplies.

Another challenge unique for Israel is the massive disinformation campaign that has alleged Jews are to blame for spreading the virus.

Still, Conricus said, Israel has worked with Arab populations inside and outside of the country "With complete disregard of whatever smear campaign is going on."

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