Sunday, May 24, 2020

No, Trump Isn't Responsible for 100K Coronavirus Deaths

Does anyone seriously think that if Donald Trump were not president, the coronavirus pandemic would have never hit America? The super PAC Democratic Coalition - which supports presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden - apparently does, because it has launched a series of ads describing deaths from the coronavirus as the "Trump Death Toll." For Memorial Day weekend, Democratic Coalition decided to jump the gun and push ads putting the "Trump Death Toll" at 100,000 - in Twitterspeak, "#TrumpDeathToll100K.".

Why the comparison? As it turns out, deaths from the coronavirus pandemic are inflated in at least two ways.

As San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond put it, "We've unfortunately had six pure, solely coronavirus deaths" out of the roughly 190 deaths reported for San Diego, Calif. Most of those who died had comorbidities that make them more vulnerable, such as central obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, and diabetes.

Each of these deaths is tragic, and the fact that the elderly are most likely to die from the virus does not excuse those who needlessly put the lives of the aged at risk - like Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose administration forced nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients discharged from the hospital.

Rep. Adam Schiff has also blamed Trump for coronavirus deaths, calling the deceased "Casualties" of his failure to remove Trump in impeachment.

The Trump administration acted quickly as news of the coronavirus first broke.

Groups like the Demcoratic Coalition cannot seriously contend that Joe Biden would have been able to prevent the coronavirus crisis, can they? Most of the coronavirus cases across America trace back to the New York City area, and Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo delayed a lockdown in the once city most likely to spread the virus.

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