Sunday, May 24, 2020

Jeff Sessions Failed His Biggest Test

During his 20 years in the U.S. Senate, Jeff Sessions was a solid conservative who was right on issues such as stopping illegal immigration.

Such loyalty may not be appropriate for a U.S. Attorney General, but it is quite a contrast to the betrayal that President Trump received from Jeff Sessions.

If he is re-elected for another term, President Trump will need loyal supporters in Congress, not weaklings like Jeff Sessions.

"3 years ago, after Jeff Sessions recused himself, the Fraudulent Mueller Scam began. Alabama, do not trust Jeff Sessions. He let our Country down. That's why I endorsed Coach Tommy Tuberville."

Ironically, Sessions showed more boldness in fighting back against President Trump than he ever did as U.S. Attorney General.

Tuberville is correct as many legal experts disagree with Jeff Sessions that his "Recusal was required by law." He had only incidental meetings with Russian leaders and was not "Compromised" or "Conflicted" in any way.

Jeff Sessions had a chance for greatness, but he was too scared to do the right thing.

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