Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hours After Biden's 'You Ain't Black' Comment, He Followed Up with This Little Noticed Gem

After Joe Biden's stunningly stupid "You ain't black" remark on Charlamagne tha God's Friday morning show, he followed up with this little noticed gem.

He told CNBC host Joe Kernan, "I'm prepared to say that I have a record of over forty years and that I'm going to beat Joe Biden."

Can you imagine Biden telling President Trump in a debate this fall that he's going to beat Joe Biden?

In the following clip, Biden delivers a cringeworthy response prompting Bonchie to entitle his post, "Sanjay Gupta's Face Is Priceless as Joe Biden Devolves Into Incoherence on CNN.".

Alex Parker posted on podcaster Joe Rogan's blunt assessment of Biden two months ago.

Biden had just swept the Arizona, Florida and Illinois primaries and standing on a stage, he delivered a virtual victory speech.

Entering from stage right came Jill Biden to break this strange silence.

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