Saturday, May 23, 2020

CNBC Reporter: Biden Tax Plan 'Most Expensive' in Recent History

CNBC reporter Robert Frank said Friday that presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden is putting forward the most burdensome tax plan in years.

"The truth is that Joe Biden, even though he's portrayed as a moderate, is offering the most expensive Democratic tax plan that we've seen from any Democratic candidate in recent history," Frank said in an interview.

"Hillary Clinton's total plan was $1.5 trillion. Biden's plan is $4 trillion."

Biden has been courting a number of progressives in advisory roles to his campaign in recent weeks.

Frank noted that Biden's proposed raise to the capital gains tax rate by almost 20 percentage points would be the largest ever and that Biden's corporate income tax rate would see a 7 percentage point increase.

Biden's comments come as the Labor Department reported Friday that 43 of 50 states saw their highest rate of unemployment since 1976.

Frank said he was "Surprised" to see that Biden's economic proposals all aim to "Raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations no matter what's happening in the economy."

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