Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Tale of Two States — New York and Florida

 So a governor in a state with a death rate 15 times that of a similar-sized state is being lionized, while the governor in the counterpart state is being demonized.

Across the country, Gov. Cuomo, who raised himself by his bootstraps from growing up as the underprivileged son of Gov. Cuomo to eventually earning the title of Gov. Cuomo, is being apotheosized by the press corps as the Second Coming of Gov. Cuomo.

There is only one difference between DeSantis being vilified and Cuomo being beatified; namely, DeSantis is doing an excellent job in a humble, open-minded, congenial way while Cuomo is doing an awful job in an arrogant, obstinate, and pugnacious manner.

As a Florida resident, I am a beneficiary of the former as our state returns to normal, while my son in New York is suffering daily at the hands of this autocrat incompetent.

New York State has about 2.2 million fewer people than Florida, but Florida has 48,667 COVID cases to New York's 361,313.

Florida has 93 deaths per million citizens, and New York has 1,464 deaths per million.

So a governor in a state with a death rate 15 times that of a similar-sized state is being lionized, while the governor in the counterpart state is being demonized, or, at the very least, mouse-ized.

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