Friday, May 22, 2020

Fired FBI Director James Comey Left a Clue In His Testimony to the House Indicating Obama Gave Him Orders to Go After General Flynn

Fired and disgraced former Head of the FBI, James Comey, left a clue in his testimony before the House that indicates Obama gave him orders to go after General Michael Flynn.

Former President Barack Obama did not like General Flynn for numerous reasons.

General Flynn said that if Trump was elected, he would uncover side deals between Obama and Iran, and this scared the hell out of Obama.

In the testimony from fired Director Comey, he states that we "Were all tasked to find out" some information related to Russia's reaction to Obama's outlandish actions against that country.

Comey obtained the call between General Flynn and the Russian diplomat and claims that he shared the transcripts of the call with Director Clapper.

So either AG Loretta Lynch or her boss, President Obama, directed Comey and others to look into General Flynn.

Justice Department Deputy AG Sally Yates was in the meeting with President Obama in the White House in early January 2017 and per her testimony, she was surprised to find out that President Obama knew about General Flynn's call with the Russian Ambassador.

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