Monday, May 25, 2020

Democrats Will Sacrifice America to Win a Presidency

The Dems will not allow any semblance of normalcy to return until Trump and recalcitrant Republicans in the Senate agree to bail out Democrat-run states facing fiscal insolvency.

Democrat socialist policies have left states like California and Illinois with unsustainable pension obligations and exponentially growing deficits too dear for a shrinking tax base to sustain.

Why would citizens, prudently residing in red states, acquiesce to paying for votes Democrats have bought in the past and wish to purchase in the future?

In a way in getting the dough for the states, she will be ceding the 2020 presidential election to Trump.

If Trump wants his growing economy, the price is budgetary surrender to Dem state demands to support their ongoing profligacy.

Democrat states like California have mutated into antebellum secessionists.

There is a chance free states will flourish to an extent that Dem states' lockdown play will become an obvious loser.

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