Monday, May 25, 2020

A growing tide among Democrats against Klobuchar as VP

It's hard to tell if Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar is actively angling for a shot at being Joe Biden's veep pick.

Amy Klobuchar performed abysmally among black voters in the Democratic primary.

More than a dozen black and Latino strategists and activists warned in interviews that selecting Klobuchar would not help Biden excite black voters - and might have the opposite effect.

Klobuchar would "Risk losing the very base the Democrats need to win," said Aimee Allison, founder of She the People, which promotes women of color in politics.

Looking over the full list of complaints against Klobuchar, none of the stated reasons seem to carry much weight.

There is one aspect of the upcoming race that could indeed make Klobuchar problematic for Biden in these terms.

As a white moderate, Klobuchar fills neither half of the bill.

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