Saturday, May 23, 2020

Democrat vote fraud is real, and Republicans must begin fighting back

Except the Heritage Foundation keeps a non-exhaustive sampling from across the United States that now includes over 1,200 proven instances of voter fraud from recent elections.

If 1,200 is just a sampling of those caught, how many do we think are actually getting away with it? Ten times that number? A hundred times? For each real case of voter fraud, whether caught or not, how many votes end up being canceled out by that offender? A few? Ten? A hundred? A thousand? Even repeatedly assuming low estimates of vote cancelation for each incident of fraud quickly takes us into the territory of over a hundred thousand fraudulently cast votes across a nation as large as ours.

That's the real goal with the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact: creating a network of states that can vouch for each other's fraud.

If we cannot prevent the Democrats from engaging in voter fraud and we cannot trust our governing or media institutions to prevent the continued corruption of our elections, perhaps Republicans should finally learn that the only way to protect the vote is to remove the incentive for Democrats to steal it.

Rather than staying in a permanent defensive posture and reacting to every Democrat attempt at manipulating state vote totals, Republican legislatures should change the rules of the game entirely by giving each one of their counties a single vote.

It will no longer matter how many non-citizens vote in blue cities or how many fraudulent mail-in ballots are sent in after state deadlines or how many Democrat election judges stuff ballots while nobody is looking.

Democrat vote fraud is real, and it is going nowhere, but only Republicans can choose whether to continue being victims of it.

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