Saturday, May 23, 2020

Coronavirus Conspiracies

Can we blame it on the virus, even if it was manufactured in the evil labs of the US or China, as has been convincingly suggested by Ron Unz? There are millions of viruses, and mankind had managed to live with them all.

What began with bankers earning more money in a day than a hundred qualified workers and engineers in their lifetime, ended with the hi-tech lords earning more than a million workers in their lifetime.

Why does Mongolia, China's neighbour with its very strong connections with China, have no Covid?

President Trump has had reason to be unhappy about China, as this great country invented lockdown as a tool to fight epidemics in 2009, when the world was worried about the swine flu H1N1. Then China began to practice massive lockdowns, quarantining whole cities, declaring that hundreds of thousands are infected, restricting air travel and producing a vaccine.

Friends of China say that the critique of China is connected with the US desire to default on its $1.3 trillion debt to China.

Even though the actual disease had been contained, and the perpetrators of the scheme need more and more crude falsifications to prove the opposite; their drive for control has just increased.

Covid adepts tend to think we should expect the second wave, and more waves afterwards.

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